Jul 4, 2008
Plaza de Toros de Lorca (Lorca, Murcia)
Tour Rarity Rank: 1465th

Song NameNotesTourAll TimeEdit
1. Rainy Day Women #12 & 35
729 of 806
800 of 893
2. Don't Think Twice, It's All Right
710 of 981
818 of 1100
3. Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
131 of 174
252 of 304
4. Roll and Tumble BluesCover
124 of 244
124 of 245
5. Tryin' to Get to Heaven
69 of 334
69 of 334
6. Stuck Inside of Mobile With the Memphis Blues Again
618 of 730
630 of 744
7. Moonlight
97 of 101
97 of 101
8. Honest With Me
456 of 785
457 of 787
9. Desolation Row
294 of 563
348 of 622
10. High Water (For Charley Patton)
243 of 698
243 of 726
11. Spirit on the Water
131 of 568
132 of 570
12. Highway 61 Revisited
1305 of 1995
1349 of 2041
13. When the Deal Goes Down
102 of 146
103 of 147
14. Summer Days
642 of 863
644 of 888
15. Ain't Talkin'
47 of 117
47 of 118
16. Thunder on the MountainEncore
171 of 779
172 of 787
17. Blowin' in the WindEncore
653 of 1293
921 of 1574